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Policies and procedures are essential to help us provide good quality provision that is compliant with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Our policies explain to staff and parents about the type of childcare we offer and what actions we take in practice to achieve this. The EYFS requires us to have written policies and procedures; and to provide staff with training at induction to ensure that they fully understand, and know how to implement, the policies and procedures and to ensure that they are accessible and clearly explained to parents.


The EYFS outlines the learning and development, assessment, and safeguarding and welfare requirements that all early years providers on the Early Years Register must meet to ensure children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe.


There are ten overarching Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements within the EYFS and our policies can be found under each heading, as follows:-


1.0 Child Protection

We must be alert to any issues for concern in the child’s life at home or elsewhere. We implement a policy and procedures to safeguard children.


2.0 Suitable People 

This also covers Disqualification and Staff Taking Medication / Other Substances.  We must ensure that people looking after children are suitable to fulfil the requirements of their roles.


3.0 Staff Qualifications, Training, Support & Skills

The daily experience of children in early years settings and the overall quality of the provision depends on all practitioners having appropriate qualifications, training, skills and knowledge and a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities.


4.0 Key Person

Each child must be assigned a key person.  Their role is to help ensure that every child’s care is tailored to meet their individual needs, to help the child become familiar with the setting, offer a settled relationship for the child and build a relationship with their parents.


5. Staff : Child Ratios

Staffing arrangements must meet the needs of children and ensure their safety.


6.0 Health

We must promote the good health of children attending the setting. We have a procedure, discussed with parents and/or carers, for responding to children who are ill or infectious, take necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection and take appropriate action if children are ill.


7.0 Managing Behaviour

We are responsible for managing children’s behaviour in an appropriate way.


8.0 Safety & Suitability of Premises, Environment & Equipment

We must ensure our premises, including outdoor spaces, are fit for purpose. We have, and implement a health and safety policy, and procedures, which cover identifying, reporting and dealing with accidents, hazards and faulty equipment. 

9.0 Equal Opportunities

We have arrangements in place to support children with SEND or disabilities. Providers who are funded by the local authority to deliver early education places must have regard to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice.


10.0 Information & Records

This also covers Information About the Child, Information for Parents and Carers, Complaints, Information About the Provider and Changes that Must be Notified to Ofsted.  We must maintain records and obtain and share information (with parent, carers, other professionals working with the child, the police, social services and Ofsted as appropriate) to ensure the safe and efficient management of our setting, and to help ensure the needs of all children are met.


We meet all the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and take all necessary steps to keep children safe and well. Each of the policies and procedures we have in place to do this are provided here and organised under each of the Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage as they appear above. 


Adopting Policies

  • Copies of the policies and procedures to be adopted should be made available to all parents and staff.

  • A meeting to discuss and adopt the policies and procedures should be held. This will give everyone the opportunity to discuss and fully understand each policy statement and procedure.


Implementing Policies

  • All new parents, employees and volunteers should be introduced to the setting’s policies and procedures.

  • It should be explained to parents, employees and volunteers that the policies contain the rules required for running the setting in a way which complies with the requirements of the EYFS and Ofsted registration and must be adhered to.

  • All employees and volunteers should be aware of the content of the policies and procedures, and their role and responsibility in implementing them.


Reviewing Policies

  • Each policy and procedure should be continually monitored by collecting evidence about the results of its implementation.

  • The evidence should be used to make any necessary changes to the policy and procedure and/or the way it is implemented.

  • All staff and parents should contribute to the evidence collected and share in decisions about any necessary changes.


Our policies are those required by the Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements and the Learning and Development Requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Little Larks Day Nursery, Low Green, Nowton, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP29 5ND

Telephone 01284 761676   Email

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